Monday, August 18, 2008


There are a few things that are a considered rude or impolite. One of them is to question the Pharaoh. Another thing considered rude is to question someone of higher class than you are because both the pharaoh and people in the upper class are offended when someone not as worthy as they are question there authority.

On the other hand it is very polite to obey you're orders and what you are told if told by a higher class than you.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


The jobs suitable for you depends upon your family's wealth and rank in society. Some of the social classes include artisans which were skilled workers, stonemasons, carpenters and painters.

Another job included laborers which could be skilled like the artisans. They would perform manual work for a small wage.

Another job included officials who held government offices and could have been scribes or nobles.

I am a servant and my job is to perform all the duties my master asks me to do. This even included bashing them. We tend to live on our masters property and we are paid a small wage.


We believe that many religions that are practiced today claim that life on earth is only a stage before an afterlife. Some people believe that after death a person's soul goes to a heaven or a hell depending on the kind of life lived by that person and perhaps on that person's particular religious faith. Some people believe in reincarnation; that after the body dies, the soul is reborn in another body. Some very rich people believe that they can buy a way of living forever. They pay to have their bodies deep frozen after death in the hope that future technology will bring them back to life.


Children would more and more frequently be found lending a hand with the less onerous tasks and gradually acquiring practical skills and knowledge from their elders. By precept and example i teach my children various educational principles, moral attitudes and views of life. Therefore from a tender age they would receive their basic education in the bosom of the family. For girls, this was usually all the schooling they would get, but for boys it would be supplemented by proper training in whatever line they chose, or was chosen for them.


My house is a small house consisting of only two rooms. Because of the hot climate, windows are small and set high in the walls to keep the house as cool as possible. My house has a flat roof with steps leading to it. The cooking is mainly done in a brick oven which is situated in the backyard of the house. There is very little furniture other than jars and pots used for storing and cooking food. Most of the other houses are similar to mine except for the wealthy people who have much nicer and fancier houses but i am happy with the way my house is.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


The ancient Egyptians produced art to serve functional purposes. Ancient Egyptian artisans used stone to carve statues and fine reliefs, but used wood as a cheap and easily carved substitute. Paints were obtained from minerals such as iron ores, copper ores, soot or charcoal, and limestone. Paints could be mixed with gum Arabic as a binder and pressed into cakes, which could be moistened with water. Art is definitely a favorite of mine and my favorite art is sculptures. My favorite sculpture is The Bust of Nefertiti, by the sculptor Thutmose, which is one of the most famouse pieces of art in Egypt.


There are a variety of food that we Egyptians eat. Our staple food is bread. It is made from barley and emmer wheat, their most common crops. The main beverage is beer which is my favorite. I also eat a variety of fruit and vegetable such as figs, plum, grapes and watermelon. I also have a variety of fish and meat which i eat very common. Fish is an easy source of food. The Nile supplies most kinds of fish, including catfish, mullet, bolti, and perch. My favourite food is the mullet.